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Turnkey Recruitment addresses large requirements from clients, particularly at junior and middle management levels. We recommend this for start-ups, new projects, plant expansion, scale up of team sizes and geographical expansion of teams (e.g. sales/servicing teams).

We can mobilize our vast internal resources to process large volume responses, manage selection of required personnel, including the management of administrative details and logistics.

Our timely action plan translates to a significant saving of the client's time and most important of all, of the costs when compared to other means of sourcing.

For big recruitment drives, we also recommend Advertising as a good way to reach the widest possible candidate base across cities, backgrounds and skill sets. An Advertised selection also helps you project your organization and create awareness in the job market. We also help you target specific segments of professionals for specialized roles.

The best part about this offering is that it offers comprehensive recruitment solutions at economical rates.
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