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The SPSJobs.com team has nearly 10 years of dedicated experience in corporate management. We specialize in searching, identifying and placing the candidates at the highest levels of both MNCs and mid size companies.

Our Executive search division focuses on senior level positions like President, CEO, COO, Managing Director, Vice President, General Manager etc. We handle assignments for Cost to Companies above Rs. 5 Lakhs (USD 10,000) to Rs 100 lakhs (USD 200,000).

We identify candidates in key technology and niche areas, people who are specialists in their chosen field of work.

One decade of seamless networking, time proven search strategies and broad industry experience has given us the competitive edge to recruit top class executive teams. The satisfaction of our clients has been testimony to the quality of work we have achieved in this field.

Based on the requirement of the client, we map the industry for the companies and the people who would be best suitable for the job. We, then discuss with the client to chart out a list of candidates who would suit their requirements. After which, we hold discussions with the candidates before the company contacts them. Thus, we act like a catalyst throughout, facilitating the recruitment process while also maintaining strict confidentiality.

Our successes include quality top management personnel for blue-chip MNCs in the IT Sector. We also work closely with India's tier 2 software companies for their senior management needs.

Apart from IT companies, our experts have crafted successful strategies and solutions for other functional areas / sectors.

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