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Companies have a hiring freeze that limits them from hiring more people?

Or companies need some extra hands for current project?

Or Companies suddenly need a skilled workforce for start up?

Flexi-staffing is the buzzword in the industry. We will provide you skilled manpower on contract for short and long durations, depending on your needs. This is a co - employment relationship we want to establish with our clients, wherein we undertake the mobilization of personnel in specified numbers and their placement at client-identified locations.

On request, or at the conclusion of the contract period, the deputed personnel are demobilized from the client sites. Clients, thus, experience the performance and contribution of deputed personnel while enjoying the flexibility and freedom to focus on their core business.

In addition, all temporary associates are on our payrolls, assuring them of all the benefits and the dignity of a regular employee in a respected Pvt. Limited Company.

Many companies are recruiting people on a short-term basis in large numbers to handle crunch requirements. This kind of recruitment also gives you the opportunity to make a good assessment of the candidate before taking him on board while keeping the bench size low.

Most of the companies have about 20% of their workforce as contract resources as this gives them the flexibility to manage their human resources better.

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